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A Cleaning Schedule for the New Year

January 24, 2019

Your tired and you can’t get rid of that nasty cough. Or is it the flu? (We certainly hope not.) We’ve all been there. Feeling under the weather is no fun, and what’s even less fun is wondering if the air quality in your home could be holding you back from regaining your health.

When you start off the new year with an effective cleaning schedule, you’re setting your entire family up for healthier living and enforcing strong habits. You’d be shocked how much of a difference weekly dusting and regular carpet cleaning can make!

Here are some tips for creating a schedule that works for you (while improving the air quality in your home).

Weekly Themed Schedule

Some tasks should be done every week. Make it easy to remember what you’re working on each day by creating a theme. If you’re lucky, it might also make it easier to get your kids on board with helping. Here are some samples to inspire your own daily cleaning themes:

Moppin’ Monday: Give your hardwood floors and carpets a good cleaning every Monday. After a weekend of outdoor play or family gatherings, it’s good to rid of the dirt that was tracked inside.

Toss It Tuesday: Take out the garbage, clean out your fridge, and go through your mail on Tuesday. The less clutter you have, the easier it is to wipe down surfaces and keep them dust free.

Wiping Wednesday: It’s time to wipe down your tables, counters, TVs, bathrooms, and doorknobs. You’ll get rid of germs and dust in a single swoop; don’t forget to reach behind picture frames and other spots where dust can sneakily collect.

Thorough Clean Thursday: You should reserve at least one day for projects that take a bit more time. Does your bathtub need a detailed grout clean? Is the dust beginning to show on your crown molding? Schedule one of these projects per week so they’re less daunting than trying to tackle them all at once.

Folding Friday: Clean your sheets, towels, and laundry once a week. You’ll definitely want to wash hand towels that are used by multiple people throughout the week – you’d be surprised how many germs your freshly washed hands can still leave behind! Get everything folded and sorted so you start the weekend with this task behind you.

Monthly Cleaning Chores

Other cleaning jobs are just as important but don’t need to happen every day or week. Dedicate a half-day once a month to the following cleaning projects:

Quarterly Upkeep

Every 3 to 4 months, you should roll up your sleeves and take care of some deep cleaning. Dust and debris can collect in the most random of places, and a quarterly deep clean ensures that you’re not missing any blind spots. Check these cleaning items off your list about four times a year:

  • Wash your comforter and pillows
  • Clean shower curtains and liners
  • Clean the inside of your oven and dishwasher
  • Give your refrigerator and freezer a thorough cleaning
  • Vacuum out the fireplace
  • Shampoo your carpets

Maintaining a regular cleaning schedule means fewer scrambles to clean everything at once, less stress, and improved air quality. Maintaining a dust-free home with clean air vents means the air quality that’s circulating won’t be filled with dirt — not only will you impress your guests with a floor that’s clean enough to eat off of, but your airways will thank you, too.

Want to keep up with all of the ways to keep your home’s air supply clean and your surfaces tidy? Follow the Bob Jenson blog for the latest news on home air quality, HVAC repairs, and more.

About The Author

Bob Jenson

For over 45 years, Bob Jenson has been providing quality heating and air services to the San Diego community.

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