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Refrigerant, Copper Lines and Filter Driers

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What Are Refrigerants, Copper Pipes, and Filter Driers?

Refrigerants, copper pipes and filter driers

Refrigerant is the liquid chemical blend that soaks up heat and releases it as part of the air conditioning process; it is the lifeblood of the air conditioner. Copper pipes act as refrigerant lines to transport this vital fluid throughout the air conditioning system. The filter drier provides physical filtration and absorbs water and other contaminants that can be found in the refrigerant.

Where Is the Refrigerant & Filter Dryer?

Refrigerant runs throughout the air conditioner, from the evaporator coil to the condenser and back again, creating the basic flow necessary for cooling to occur. A technician can maintain refrigerant levels by access ports found on the outdoor unit.

The two main lines of copper piping run from the condenser to the evaporator coil and back. The larger is called the suction (or return, or vapor) line and the smaller one is the liquid line.

You will find the filter drier on the liquid line outside near the condenser or inside near the evaporator coil. It looks like a blue or grey soda can.

The Science Behind Refrigerant

Refrigerant Gauge Up Close

Refrigerant is contained within copper coils inside an air conditioner. As the hot liquid refrigerant is pumped into your home to the indoor coil it is metered by the TXV which only allows a small amount to enter the coil. This creates a drop in temperature of the refrigerant allowing the heat from your home to soak up like a sponge and transfers into the refrigerant to be taken outside as a gas back to the compressor. Finally, once your thermostat senses that enough heat has been removed, it shuts off the system at just the right temperature.

Larger refrigerant lines that carry cold gas need to be insulated. For example; on a warm summer day condensation would form, like the outside of a glass of ice water. In contrast, the liquid line needs no insulation because it contains warm refrigerant.

Filter driers remove moisture from refrigerants. To acheive this, dryers use desiccants, such as activated alumina or silica. Some use molecular sieves, which trap moisture on a molecular level. Also, to keep out common contaminants, filter driers use screens and depth filters, such as bonded desiccant cores or fiberglass pad filters.

What Makes Them Important?

Refrigerants need to have low freezing and boiling points, a low condensing pressure, a high vaporization heat, high vapor density, and a high critical temperature. Moreover, they should be non-corrosive, non-flammable, and non-toxic. For those reasons, refrigerants are carefully synthesized chemicals.

The filter drier’s essential role is to remove water from the system. Water can cause freeze-ups and corrosion from organic acid compounds, so moisture must be eliminated.

As far as materials go, copper tubing is economical and eco-friendly since it is strong, light-weight, and relatively inexpensive. In addition, refrigerants are contained in copper tubing because the copper is efficient at transferring heat.

Different Types of Refrigerants, Copper Pipes, and Filter Driers

R410A Refrigerant Jug

Refrigerants come in two types: the older version, R-22, commonly known as Freon; and R410A, known by its brand name, Puron. For many years the main refrigerant in air conditioning systems was R-22, but due to its effect on the ozone, it was severely restricted from production and will be banned entirely by 2020. R410A is the industry standard now. This is because it is efficient and less harmful for the environment, while providing the same cooling as R-22.

The two main types of copper pipes are hard-drawn copper and soft copper. Hard-drawn copper is very rigid and straight. Soft copper is flexible and comes in 25- or 50-foot rolls. There are markings that indicate that the pipes have been cleaned and dehydrated for use in air conditioning and refrigeration systems.

Filter driers come in various forms, including spun copper, steel liquid-line, steel suction-line, and steel bi-flow. Steel driers provide added filtration and water capacity over copper driers.

Maintenance and Repairs

Be aware that R-22 and R410A are not interchangeable. Your air conditioning system will use only one of these refrigerants. Newer air conditioners will use R410A as its refrigerant. A trained technician should handle refrigerant replacement because these coolants can be dangerous to handle and must be disposed in specific ways.

If you notice oil stains around your air conditioner, you might have a leak, potentially caused by damaged copper pipes. Harsh weather, internal contaminants, or installation in high traffic areas can damage copper pipes. Therefore never reuse old copper refrigerant lines when repairing or upgrading your air conditioner.

And finally, filter cores and drier shells may need to be replaced over time, but thankfully, the market provides a wide range of replacements. Often, these replacement cores and shells are a simple installation for a professional technician.

Outdoor Condenser Coil and Fan

Quicklinks to the other articles in this series:

Outdoor Condenser Coil

What Are the Outdoor Condenser Coil and Fan?

The outdoor condenser coil, is very much like the radiator in your car. That is to say, copper tubes that run thru aluminum fins hold the refrigerant. This design allows air pass over them and efficiently release heat. The condenser fan is its sidekick in this endeavor, providing the necessary cool air for heat transfer.

Where Are the Outdoor Condenser Coil and Fan Located?

As the name suggests, in a traditional split air conditioning system, the outdoor coil is found outside. The condenser fan is also outdoors in the same unit. The outdoor coil is the silver or sometimes black looking wall that wraps around your entire outdoor unit. Also a metal grid or panels surrounds the coil is designed to protect the delicate fins. The outdoor condenser fan motor is attached under the top of your air conditioner to be able to pull air in thru the coil and out thru the top of the unit.

How Do They Work Together?

Refrigerant coming out of the compressor is in vapor form and very hot when it reaches the outdoor coil. The outdoor coil must cool the vapor back to a liquid form in order for the cooling cycle to continue. This is where the condenser fan becomes essential.

By blowing outdoor air, which is cooler than the hot refrigerant vapor, across the outdoor coil, heat transfers from the refrigerant to the outdoors. With enough heat transferred, the refrigerant starts to condense back into a liquid form halfway thru the coil and is fully liquid before it leaves the coil.

What Makes Them Important?

The better the outdoor coil releases its heat, the more efficient the air conditioner is. That is why higher efficient A/C units are larger in overall size, they have more coil surface area! A properly functioning outdoor fan keeps the right amount of air moving across the coils which causes that change from vapor to liquid. In addition, modern fan motors can run at various speeds depending on the cooling needs, saving energy. If your old fan motor goes out the compressor will overheat and shut off to protect it.

Outdoor Condenser Fan

Maintenance and Repairs

Regularly clean outdoor coils to maximize cooling performance and ensure that your air conditioning system has a long and efficient life. For example, according to the U.S. Department of Energy, a dirty outdoor coil can increase a home’s energy consumption by up to 30 percent! Especially near the ocean, the salt air can destroy coils very quickly and need to be cleaned more often.

You can help by removing leaves, sticks, debris and cutting back any landscaping from around the your outdoor unit. However, opening up and cleaning a condenser coil is one of those projects that you should not attempt to do yourself. Leave it to a technician and schedule an annual maintenance call.

Condenser fans have a set temperature at which they will safely operate, often around 150 degrees Fahrenheit. However, sometimes they can overheat, often due to an incorrectly sized motor, poor airflow, lack of lubrication, or over-ramping.

You can quickly check if your condenser fan motor is working by placing your hand over the top of the outdoor unit; you should feel hot air blowing pretty strongly and see the fan spinning. If you hear your a/c running but don’t see or feel the fan working, you should call one of Bob Jenson’s professional technicians to diagnose the problem.

In the next article we will talk about the copper lines that connect the two parts of your split system and the interesting science behind how refrigerants remove heat from your home!

How an Air Conditioning Compressor Works

Quicklinks to other sections in this series:

What is an Air Conditioning Compressor?

The air conditioning compressor is at the core of how an air conditioning system functions. It’s basically a large electric motor that turns a compressing mechanism which pumps refrigerant thru the entire air conditioning system. It draws in cooler, low-pressure refrigerant gas and compresses it into a high-pressure gas. This allows the cooling cycle to move in a continuous fashion.

Air Conditioning Compressor

Where is the Air Conditioning Compressor Located?

The compressor is located in your outdoor unit. It’s in the center of the condenser and is the heaviest part of your outdoor unit. Look down thru the top of your outdoor condenser and you will see it sitting at the bottom.

How Does a Compressor Work?

Since most air conditioning compressors today are scroll compressors, we’ll explain how they work. When you turn down the temperature on your thermostat it allows electricity to run to the compressor. The motor inside the compressor requires a lot of power to start up. Because of this, a capacitor which stores electricity helps kickstart the motor. A scroll compressor has the ability to start up “unloaded”, then gradually begins to fully compress the refrigerant. To illustrate; If you try and push your car without power you would strain yourself. But if a few people helped you push until you got up momentum then you could easily do it.

The motor shaft turns a scroll within another scroll to compress the gas at several points along the way. Once the gas is compressed it is discharged thru the top of the compressor as a very hot gas. It now travels thru the outdoor coil to continue the next step of the process.

What makes the Compressor Important?

Without a properly functioning compressor, you won’t have a cool home. Like a pumping heart, a compressor moves refrigerant thru copper lines to complete the cycle of the air conditioning process. The only difference of an air conditioning system from your circulatory system is we are exchanging heat instead of oxygen!

Different Types of Compressors

Most newer air conditioners use scroll compressors, which use a single fixed scroll, with another scroll rotating within it. Scroll compressors have increased in popularity because they have fewer parts than conventional compressors and therefore require less maintenance. They also have many safety features built in to protect them from failure. They can handle small amounts of liquid refrigerant which would break most other compressors.

A common type of compressor used in older units is the reciprocating compressor. It uses pistons and cylinders much like the motor inside your car. These are less efficient compressors than the scroll and have more moving parts.

3D view inside an air conditioning compressor

Rotary compressors are extremely quiet and small. They use a cylinder within a cylinder design to simultaneously push and compress refrigerant. A rotary compressor can only compress refrigerant gas at one point along the walls of the cylinders. They sometimes use external components that can vary the incoming electricity and refrigerant flow, to help them to become very efficient. A version of rotary compressors know as inverter compressors can vary their compressor speed based on the cooling needed. These are popular in small ductless mini-split systems.

Extra-large and industrial HVAC systems might use a centrifugal compressor. This type of compressor uses centrifugal force to rapidly spin refrigerant gas with an impeller. Centrifugal compressors have no valves, pistons, or cylinders, so they wear down less.

Maintenance and Repairs

You cannot directly maintain an air conditioning compressor because they are hermetically sealed. Most of the care of a compressor comes from basic system maintenance. Things like changing dirty air filters and cleaning coils debris will reduce stress on the compressor.

The most critical part of compressor care is the initial installation of the condensing unit. Air conditioner compressor parts should not come in contact with moisture; which turns into acid. Acid that enters the compressor, will result in reduced efficiency and will lead to damage of internal components. Using a vacuum pump and a micron gauge during will remove all traces of moisture before startup!

A system that loses its refrigerant charge due to a small leak will cause the compressor to overheat and shutoff. If you suspect a compressor issue, because your system won’t cool your home, call Bob Jenson’s helpful technicians immediately.

Around the Web: What We’re Talking about at Bob Jenson

Although we make sure to keep our blog up to date with all the latest news and tips for heating and cooling your home, we also love to share our expertise across different external publications. Not only is it a great way to keep people informed, but connecting with new audiences is something we always enjoy doing. If we can help educate a new demographic of homeowners, then it’s a good day in our book.

In the spirit of keeping our readership in the know, we’ve put together a little round-up of some of our recent articles published on different websites. No matter where you read them, if an article comes from Bob Jenson, you know the home advice is worth following!

The Push Toward Gender Diversity In The HVAC Industry

Discussions of gender parity and inclusion in the workplace are prevalent across many industries — and for good reason. There are still lingering stigmas against certain jobs as being more traditionally done by men rather than women, and that goes for the HVAC industry as well – in fact, barely 1% of people working in heating, cooling, and refrigeration are women. It’s time to change that statistic.

In this piece for Facility Executive, we discussed how gender diversity is working its way into the HVAC industry, as well as some of the bonuses and unexpected benefits that come with being a woman working in HVAC. We also highlighted the good work of Women in HVACR, which provides scholarships and mentorships to young women looking to break into the industry.

There’s definitely a role for women within the HVAC industry, and we’re proud to help demonstrate how both minds and demographics are changing in this regard.

What EPA Budget Cuts Mean for Indoor Air Quality

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) may be more closely associated with outdoor air quality, but they also have input over the health of indoor air as well. Unfortunately, the EPA is looking at a 23 percent reduction in funding for 2019, along with the elimination of its indoor air quality programs.

If you’re not sure what that means, hopefully our article for Buildings on how these budget cuts will affect indoor air quality will provide some clarity. For example, air pollutants can build up in your home, and prolonged exposure over many years can lead to health problems — especially if you’re not getting advice from the EPA on how to improve the quality of your indoor air. Plus, there’s “sick building syndrome,” which can be easily remedied by the EPA doing workplace inspections to ensure that there are no sources of hazardous fumes.

The effects of the EPA budget cuts may not be immediate, but there could potentially be much more sickness in the long run.

HVAC Considerations When Renovating or Flipping a Home

Lots of people love those home renovation shows on TV, but if you’re looking into taking on a renovation project yourself, you should be aware that HVAC is a vital piece of the puzzle – and one that shouldn’t be ignored. You’re going to want to go in with a game plan based on what you’ll need to implement a HVAC system within regulation.

If you need help in this department, we’ve got you covered in this piece from Realty Times. Whether it’s deciding on layout modifications or simply remembering that you’ll need to consider dust and dirt from the renovation itself, our list has the advice you need before you embark on that big home project.

3-D Printing Has the Ability to Drastically Improve HVAC Design

Being able to print things in 3-D may seem like a fun arts and crafts project, but it can also be incredibly beneficial to the HVAC industry. Think about how much more efficient heating and cooling design could be if we could simply print the parts we need!

For ACHR News, we discussed how 3-D printing may bring about a new future for HVAC design by providing quicker modeling capabilities, less of an environmental impact, and much more. Plus, by utilizing some of the most modern technology out there, the HVAC industry can demonstrate how progressive and exciting it can be to a new generation of job-seeking talent.

Why Big Data and Building Analytics Aren’t Going Anywhere

These days, designing a building isn’t just about physical construction. It’s also about using analytics and big data to create better residential and commercial buildings. Not only that, but the data that can be gathered by an HVAC system can play a huge role in ensuring that a building’s heating and cooling system runs more efficiently than ever.

Our piece for the IoT Global Network about the rise of building analytics shows how HVAC systems can provide far more accurate numbers than traditional meter data, as well as the different ways that machine learning can account for shifting conditions in building design.

HVAC Knowledge is Power

Those are just a few of our favorite Bob Jenson pieces from around the web — and we always have more coming down the pipeline. In the meantime, check out our blog to read up on heating and cooling, air quality, and how to save energy in your home — and contact us if you have questions about our services or would like a consultation.

Why a Portable Air Conditioner Won’t Cut It in San Diego.

Things to Consider About Portable A/C

At this point, we all know air conditioning is a non-negotiable, but what type is best for you? If you are trying to avoid the time and cost of a full HVAC installation, you might be considering a portable air conditioner. Portable air conditioners are a common replacement for a full HVAC installation; however, the average portable air conditioner is more limited than you’d expect: these units are more expensive, noisier, and less efficient than their HVAC counterparts.

While a portable air conditioner is more effective than a ceiling fan, it won’t offer the temperature control to combat the warm summer months we face in San Diego. In fact, Consumer Reports found that most portable air conditioners struggled to reduce indoor temperatures below 78 degrees Fahrenheit.

Let’s identify why using a portable air conditioner won’t cut it when compared to an HVAC system.

They Use a Lot of Energy

You may think that getting a portable air conditioner instead of a full-sized HVAC system will save you some cash but the truth is, you’ll spend more money in the long-term.

Most portable air conditioners don’t meet the minimum seasonal energy efficiency (SEER) requirements, and because of this, they often consume more electricity. The SEER ratings are defined by the Air Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute and help to clarify an air conditioning unit’s energy efficiency. Even if your air conditioner has a high SEER rating, it’s not a guarantee of energy savings, especially if your unit runs for long periods of time.

A portable unit also won’t be as powerful as a full HVAC system, which means it has to work harder to cool your room or home. And when a portable air conditioner works harder, it also consumes more energy — increasing your energy bill.

Limited Portability

One major selling point of a portable air conditioner is in the name itself: portability. You can relocate it throughout the day depending on where you need it most. Unfortunately, these bulky devices aren’t as easy to move as they may initially seem. Portable air conditioners are heavy and if you have carpet or stairs to navigate, moving your unit could be a real struggle.

Portable air conditioners also need a window or point of ventilation, which makes them location-dependent — and you must keep power requirements in mind to avoid breaking a fuse. This is unlike an HVAC system, which uses ducts and fans to help seamlessly ventilate your home and is installed by a professional, taking all of the guesswork out of the equation.

There’s a Condensation Problem

Air conditioners cool a room and pull humidity out of the atmosphere at the same time. But when this moisture leaves the air, it has to have somewhere to go. You’ll need to either place your unit near a window, where an exhaust pipe carries the water outside, or you’ll need to use a water pan inside the unit. This means more personal maintenance and attention than an HVAC system would require.

Portable Air Conditioners Are Noisy

An HVAC system is quiet, efficient, and powerful, discreetly working in the background to keep your home cool and comfortable. Portable air conditioners, meanwhile, have all of their components packed into one unit. This means you may experience excessively high noise levels while the compressor or fan is running. The harder your portable air conditioner has to work, the louder it will be, with some units becoming so loud that they drown out all conversation, music, or television in the room.

Limited Humidity and Temperature Control

It’s no secret that the summer months in San Diego can bring hot temperatures and humid days. Unfortunately, a portable air conditioner is only able to combat these temperatures and humidity issues in the short-term — it is not a quality long-term solution. Even if a portable air conditioner does offer some relief, it can only cool one small space at a time. You’d have to purchase multiple units to effectively cool an entire home — and the cost of these can quickly add up.

Instead, central air conditioning offers a comprehensive solution to beat the summer heat. A full HVAC system gives you the temperature control you want to cool your entire home — without having to relocate a unit or find a ventilation window.

Portable Air Conditioners: Worth Your Time and Money?

If your AC suddenly stops working or you’re temporarily between homes, a portable air conditioner might make sense and could provide some temporary relief from summer temperatures. However, these devices aren’t enough to provide long-term comfort, especially in places with long summer seasons like San Diego.

Talk to our experts at Bob Jenson about setting up a home evaluation to see how easy and cost-effective an HVAC solution could be for your home.

6 Things To Do Before Turning On Your A/C This Summer

Prepping Your Air Conditioning System

In most cases (and beyond the occasional heat wave in San Diego), your air conditioning sits idle during the winter months. So before you start the system running again in the spring and summer months, it’s important to check for any signs of wear and tear. The last thing you want is to find out that your HVAC is malfunctioning and is stopping you from staying cool.

The following tips will offer you insight on items you should investigate, check, or clean before you turn your air conditioning on for the first time this summer season.

Change your Filters

It’s crucial that you change your HVAC filters every few months depending on their use, quality, and manufacturer requirements. But if it has been a while since you last changed your filters, then the spring season is the perfect time to do so. The winter months generally cause debris and dust to build up in your filters. Changing your filters can help ensure your system is clean and ready for summer.

Be sure to purchase the right type and size of air filter for your system. If you’re not sure what kind of filtration you need, speak to our experts.

Clear Outdoor Overgrowth

There is also some work you can do outside the home to help prep for the summer months. Examine the exterior of the air conditioner unit and remove any overgrown plants, branches, or debris that may be blocking the unit. Keeping this area clean can make sure your air conditioning is performing at its best.

You should get in the habit of cleaning the space around your exterior unit all year round. It’s a good rule of thumb to maintain an open space of around 2 feet around your HVAC unit.

Clean Registers and Supply Vents

Your vents and registers can gather dust and other particles during the off months, too. When you’re cleaning for the spring season ahead, also make sure that you are paying close attention to the supply vents for any dirt or debris. You can easily vacuum them to remove any pet hair, dust, or other particulates that may have accumulated.

If you’re not sure how to conduct a thorough cleaning of your system, then it might be a good idea to schedule some annual maintenance. A professional duct cleaning can improve the overall airflow of your HVAC and may even enhance the indoor air quality in your home, too.

Test the Thermostat

In the home, thermostats are used year-round, and often are one of the most used devices in an HVAC system. But if you haven’t used yours in a while, then you should test it ensure that it’s working properly. To test your thermostat, run and monitor your thermostat control system.

If you don’t already have a programmable thermostat, now might be the perfect time to make the upgrade and potentially reduce your energy bills in the months ahead.

Turn Your System On

Once your HVAC system is properly cleaned and prepped, you’re ready to turn your air conditioning on. Don’t be alarmed if you can’t feel cold air immediately coming through the vents after turning it on. However, if you don’t notice any change after a few minutes, then you should call an HVAC technician to come and evaluate your system.

If you do notice that your air conditioning isn’t working properly, don’t keep it running because this could potentially overheat the system and cause damage.

Watch out for Signs of Damage

Even if your HVAC works fine after initially turning it on, it’s important to keep an eye on the system over the course of the next few weeks. The more the temperature rises, the more stress your machine will be under to keep a cool environment in your home. Take notice of the following:

  • Unusually high utility bills, which could indicate that your system is working too hard
  • Problems with achieving the correct temperature from your thermostat
  • Water gathering on top or beneath your furnace

The best thing you can do to set yourself up for summer is to arrange for a professional to visit your home and perform routine maintenance. This will ensure that your unit is ready to run at its best for the months ahead. Call our team at Bob Jenson to schedule an appointment today.

HVAC Troubleshooting: 6 Articles to Help You Solve HVAC Issues

Articles to Help You Before You Need a Pro

HVAC systems are designed to keep your home environment comfortable for years, but that doesn’t mean you won’t face the odd rattle or creak every now and again.

Though in some cases you’ll need to hire a heating and cooling professional to fix your HVAC system, you can do some troubleshooting of your own to get to the bottom of what’s causing the problem. At Bob Jenson, we’ve rounded up our best blog posts for helping you solve the most HVAC common concerns.

1. Spending a Fortune on Temperature Control?

For you to get the most out of your HVAC system, your machine not only needs to be effective, but efficient too. If you’ve noticed your energy bills going up, you may simply have air leaks that you need to fill so your HVAC can perform at its best.

If you notice signs of air leaks within your home, such as drafty spaces or a rising energy bill, check out our useful infographic for an easy-to-follow guide on how to eliminate gaps for good.

2. Does Your HVAC Smell Terrible?

You can’t enjoy the satisfaction of a well-heated or cooled home if it means living with an unpleasant and mysterious odor. Because HVAC systems are designed to circulate air around your entire home, a bad smell coming from the unit will be blasted into every room in no time.

The good news is, if you can get to the bottom of what’s causing that terrible smell, you can fix the problem. Read through our helpful article about the 5 most common causes of unexpected aromas, and discover how you can solve your problem pronto.

3. Have You Noticed a Strange Sound?

Chances are you’ve heard the whines and crackles of various mechanical devices around your home at one time or another. Machines often make strange noises – particularly as they begin to grow older – but certain sounds are a bad sign if they’re new or disruptive.

If the soft buzz of your HVAC system has recently evolved into a clank or rattle, then it’s time to get to the bottom of the clatter. Our handy blog post on common HVAC noises will help you to identify what each noise means, so you can decide whether to fix the issue yourself or call in the experts.

4. Is Something Just Not Right?

Sometimes the problem with your HVAC might not be so obvious. There may not be any strange smells or sounds, but you have noticed your system isn’t performing as well as it used to, and you can’t figure out why.

Whether your unit is taking longer to heat up and cool down than it did when you first had it installed, or you’re struggling to maintain the same temperature across your house, it helps to understand the most common issues that come up with HVAC systems. Our list of the top 8 common HVAC problems will help you figure out if your problem is an easy fix or a case for a professional.

5. Has Your Air Conditioner Suddenly Failed?

If your heating and cooling system suddenly stops working, or if it’s been showing signs that it might be about to give up, you’ll find yourself facing a difficult question: Do you call out a technician for a repair, or do you replace the entire unit?

Our in-depth article “When Is It Time to Replace Your AC?” will take you through all the elements you need to consider before making a careful and informed decision between these two options.

6. Not Sure Who to Call?

Whether you’re in need of repair or a fully new unit, you’ll need the assistance of a professional engineer to get your HVAC back on track. The problem is, it can be difficult to distinguish a reliable HVAC expert from one who’s going to charge you a fortune for a low-quality job.

Our step-by-step guide to hiring an HVAC expert covers everything you’ll need to consider before you hire a professional, to help you make a more confident choice. You’ll learn which questions you need to ask, what you need to know, and how you can ensure you hire the expert that’s right for you.

If you’re in need of HVAC maintenance and repair, or you simply have a question about managing your home temperature, Contact Bob Jenson today to speak to a team of experienced HVAC technicians you can trust.

The Perks of Having Ductless Air Conditioning

Reasons to Consider Ductless Air Conditioning

Comfort doesn’t come cheap. Trying to stay cool in the summer and warm in the winter is expensive – even in relatively moderate climates, like San Diego. Across the U.S., heating and cooling represents about half of the average homeowner’s utility bill.

So, why would anyone ignore opportunities to save on their energy bills?

The answer is simple: many people aren’t aware of all the cost-effective opportunities available. The option to install a ductless system, for instance, is often overlooked — despite the fact that it can bring significant savings on cooling and heating.

Here are four of the best reasons to invest in ductless heating and cooling technology in your home or office.

More Money in Your Pocket

Ductless heating and cooling systems operate by using less power overall, significantly cutting the monthly energy bill. Property residents also benefit from the ability to personalize the perfect temperature for each zone of the house, depending on your needs and preferences. This unique feature ensures that energy isn’t wasted in an unoccupied room of your home — further lowering your bill each month.

Reduction of Your Carbon Footprint

Saving money is a worthwhile perk — but how many home improvements allow you to save money and improve your planet at the same time? Going “green” has a reputation for being the more costly option, but that’s not true in every case. Ductless heating and cooling systems enable both financial and environmental benefits, by using significantly less energy than traditional HVAC systems. These innovative mini-split designs are manufactured to reduce the effects of HVAC systems on the environment, through a zero-ozone depleting refrigerant called R410A. And because they take up very little space — often as much as the average microwave — ductless air conditioning allows homeowners to vastly increase their energy efficiency.

Individual (and Improved) Air Quality

Ductless heating and cooling systems keep your indoor air fresh and void of irritants. Clean indoor air isn’t just vital for people suffering from nasal allergens, but for the overall health of yourself and your family. These revolutionary ductless mini-split systems offer multi-stage filtration — stopping dust, dander, bacteria and pollen from invading your precious indoor airspace. Ductless systems also give individuals control over the temperature of a certain room, allowing for customization of air flow that isn’t possible with traditional HVAC systems.

Easy Installation

While traditional duct system installations are incredibly disruptive, installing a ductless mini-split system is a much easier and smoother process. Basic ductless systems can be installed in a matter of hours, instead of taking an entire day. Instead of making space for heavy duty space-hogging hardware, installation for ductless vents simply requires drilling a few holes in the existing architecture of your home. Despite its ease of installation relative to a traditional duct system, it’s still wise to have an expert do the work for you, to ensure it’s done right. Find an HVAC technician who knows the ropes and can quickly and efficiently get your system up and running.

A ductless air conditioning system really is the complete package: energy efficient, cost effective, health restorative, and easy to install. By switching to energy-efficient ductless cooling and heating vents, you can take control of your energy consumption — and keep more money in your wallet each month.

Brand Highlight: York

The History of York

Whether it’s a furnace to keep your home warm in winter, or an HVAC system for constant cooling during summer, it’s important to find a company that you can rely on to offer dependable comfort, year after year. With over 130 years since their inception, the York company works to offer confidence and peace of mind to commercial and residential buyers, across the United States.

As a company that focuses on home-grown talent, hard-work, and the latest in high-quality techniques and materials, York has made a resoundingly positive name for itself in the HVAC industry.

Although it first emerged in 1874, York’s official journey into cooling and heating began in the early 1900s. As the years passed by, the company earned its place as one of the largest heating and cooling suppliers across the globe, offering a comprehensive range of products for interior comfort.

Over the course of York history, the company has made its mark on the timeline of HVAC development. York installed the revolutionary “air washing” system in the Empire theatre during 1914, and created the world’s first air-conditioned structure in 1924.

During 2006, York joined forces with Johnson Controls, an alliance which allowed both organizations to achieve incredible things for the future of interior comfort. Today, York products are still used throughout some of the most famous buildings in the world; from the Sydney Opera House, to the Empire State Building.

York Products

When it comes to creating the perfect atmosphere, York offers one of the most comprehensive lines on the market. Every product is designed and built in the company’s warehouse in North America, with stringent testing to ensure reliability that lasts for years to come.

York Furnaces:
The York furnace line includes the Affinity Series, LX Series, Latitude Series, and commercial grade products. Affinity models are the most efficient options, providing up to 98% AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency). These models operate alongside the ClimaTrak system, which automatically adjusts temperature cycles to fit your unique needs. The LX series is a low-price and compact option; measuring at 33-inches, with an impressive AFUE rating of 96%.

Finally, the Latitude furnaces provide 95.5% AFUE — ideal for those in search of quality at a low price point.

York Air Conditioners:
York air conditioners are available from both the Affinity and LX Series. The options in the Affinity Series provide up to 18 SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio), for more efficient cooling — plus a QuietDrive system for whisper-soft operation. The LX Series are efficient and cost effective, using Microchannel coils for a smaller carbon footprint.

Heat Pumps:
Like the air conditioner line, York heat pumps come in Affinity and LX Series models. The Affinity series offers higher efficiency and QuietDrive comfort, while the LX Series provides a budget-friendly solution for quality performance.

Indoor Air:
When it comes to indoor air, York offers LX air handlers that provide comfort and luxury in indoor environments. They also offer air quality systems, designed to infuse the interior of any property with fresh outdoor air — without sacrificing the contained temperature.

York offers a range of innovative thermostats, taking comfortable living to the next level. With the Affinity series, you can connect to your comfort system using Wi-Fi, and adjust settings for up to 6 individual rooms. You can control temperature from anywhere with the York touchscreen. The LX series thermostat provides a digital temperature management solution to match your unique preferences.

Other products from York include:

  • Residential packaged equipment
  • Mini-Split systems
  • Evaporator coils

Why Choose York HVAC?

So, why should you consider York for your residential or commercial needs? Benefits of York brand products include:

  • Higher efficiency for lower utility bills
  • Low sound levels
  • Attractive and innovative design
  • Simple operation
  • Compact in size

The York company uses the latest technology and equipment to create the innovative solutions in their state-of-the-art American facilities.

Although York may not give the most volume to its environmental efforts when compared to other companies, a large aspect of their growth is connected to the creation of more efficient systems. Many York products carry the Energy Star seal of approval, and York is active with the UNFCCC, Energy Efficiency Forum, and Clinton Climate Initiative. Most importantly, the company puts customer service and satisfaction first — a focus that has helped them to develop and maintain incredible technology, year after year.

Why Does My HVAC Smell Bad?

When HVAC Stinks…

There’s no denying our society’s love for air conditioning — it’s what allows us to live comfortably in beautifully sunny climates. The cool air moving through our homes is a welcomed bliss during hot summer months. But, what happens when that cool, refreshing air is also spreading a bad odor throughout your home? Unfortunately, air conditioners are prone to mildew, malfunctioning, and more.

Different odors point to different problems, which is why today we’re going to walk through the 5 most common reasons your air conditioner may smell bad:

Dirty Sock Smell

While we rely on air conditioners to cool our homes, it’s easy to forget these systems are also used to remove moisture (or, dehumidify). In some cases, a system may be too large for the home, causing it to move through its cooling cycles too fast. This opens up the possibility for moisture to remain in your home. On days where humidity is particularly strong, mold and mildew growth on air conditioner parts can push this stink, “dirty sock” smell throughout your home. Call an HVAC professional to assess whether your system is too large for your space; if so, an expert can help you adjust your system needs based on the size of your home.

Mildew or Dirty Feet Smell

As we mentioned above, air conditioners are prone to mold and fungus growth, which tend to cause the smell of mildew, or dirty feet. Clogged or dirty filters can cause this fungus growth, due to trapped organic particles being exposed to this moisture. Clogged condensate drain lines can also lead to moisture build-ups around the coils of the air conditioner. If your moist ducts aren’t sealed correctly, you may find mildew growing as a result. Drip pans that aren’t positioned properly — or are overflowing too fast — can accelerate this growth even more. Sometimes cleaning the clog around the drip pan is all it takes; though, professionals should be brought in for more serious issues.

Rotten Egg Smell

Of course, the smell of mildew is nothing compared to the rank smell of rotten eggs wafting through your home. If you’re experiencing this smell, it’s most likely due to a dead animal in your air duct. You probably haven’t done anything wrong — unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for an animal to climb inside a duct during the winter, and then pass away without anyone knowing. At the end of the winter season, when you restart your unit in the spring, the resulting odor can be a wakeup call for your home — and will require professionals for carcass removal. Talk about spring cleaning!

Skunk or Raw Sewage Smell

Surprisingly, although the “rotten egg” smell often correlates with animals, the recognizable scent of skunk could actually signal something more serious than a dead animal. Methyl mercaptan is a gas that smells a lot like a skunk’s icky spray, and could indicate a gas leak in your home.

Similarly, the smell of gas or sewage could indicate a sewage leak, or ruptured vent pipe near your system’s air duct. Both methyl mercaptan and methane are very dangerous to inhale — so if you whiff these smells, leave your home immediately and call an HVAC professional to deal with the issue.

Carbon, Gunpowder, or Exhaust Fume Smell

You may have frayed wires, a burned-out circuit board, or a burned out fan motor in your system — all three of these issues can produce the smell of carbon or gunpowder, rather than a traditional burning or smoke scent. If you notice the scent of exhaust, this signals that something other than water is leaking from your HVAC system (nothing except water should leak from your system). In either case, professionals should be contacted immediately.

Turn to the Experts

While homeowners can change air filters or drain drip pans on their own, sometimes this isn’t enough to remove smells from your home. Fortunately, all the issues listed above can be taken care of by HVAC experts, who know what to look for and how to safely deal with these problems within your system. You should already be scheduling professional maintenance on a regular basis, in which case many of these issues can be caught and prevented by your HVAC expert before they cause a real problem. While some smells indicate more serious danger than others, either way, there’s no reason to live inside a smelly home — so call a professional to get an expert solution, and you can go back to living amid cool, fresh, and clean air.

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