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6 Helpful Bob Jenson HVAC Articles

At Bob Jenson, we love finding new opportunities to share professional industry advice about the HVAC industry, heating, and cooling practices, so you can enjoy a more comfortable life. That’s why we not only share helpful guidance and tips on our own blog, but we write posts for a range of other great publications too!

Today, we’re going to take a closer look at some of our favorite pieces published across the web, and discuss what you could learn from each one. From addressing your most crucial heating and cooling needs, to giving you an insight into how to improve your health with air quality, and reduce utility bills with energy saving tips, there’s something for everyone in this list.

1. Busting Energy Saving Myths

Green living and energy conservation have been popular concerns in recent years. Not only can learning how to effectively save energy reduce your energy bills, but it can also limit your negative impact on the environment. As new innovations and technologies emerge, becoming energy efficient is easier than ever, but it’s not always as simple to distinguish the real tips from the misunderstandings and myths.

To help separate fact from fiction, we’ve published a list of the most common energy-saving myths on Decorating Buzz, a website dedicated to providing extensive home decorating tips and advice for the average homeowner. In this article, you’ll learn everything from the difference between energy efficiency and conservation, to the truth about using your thermostat to heat your rooms more effectively.

2. Air Quality and Your Sleeping Patterns

We all know that sleep is crucial to good health. What you might not know is how your air quality could be affecting your slumber. Though we frequently blame lumpy mattresses and specific foods for sleep disturbance, the truth is that your indoor air quality could be affecting everything from the way your brain works, to how you respond to allergens.

In this article on Home Décor Expert, a publication for interior designers and home improvement enthusiasts, you’ll learn the truth about air quality’s impact on your sleep. We’ll even give you a deeper insight into the dangers of interrupted sleep, how air quality can increase your risk of sleep disorders, and what you can do to breathe a little easier at home.

3. Air Quality in the Workplace

Air quality isn’t just something to worry about at home. After all, we spend a significant portion of our waking life at work. In this blog published by Techsling, a website for digital news, resources, and exciting business information, we’ve taken a closer look at the problems with air quality in the average workplace.

In this article, you’ll learn the truth about why air quality is so important, not only to human health but to productivity too. In fact, research suggests that work performance can improve by as much as 10% with an adjustment to air quality. You’ll also discover how air quality impacts employee productivity, and what the government says about adjusting professional standards.

4. Do Smart Thermostats Save you Money?

Have you ever wanted to make your home smarter? Smart thermostats are an exciting new heating and cooling solution that potentially offers a range of benefits to homeowners, yet most people don’t understand their true value.

Another favorite Bob Jenson article published by Decorating Buzz examines whether smart thermostats can really lower your utility bills, and how you can use them in your day-to-day life. You’ll discover how the latest technology uses smart data to adjust to your preferences, and what some of the most popular options are on the market. We’ll even help you to see exactly where you can save cash with your smart thermostat, and discover whether an upgrade is really right for you.

5. How to Improve Air Quality for Asthmatics

Air quality is a concern for everyone. After all, the air we breathe can have an impact on everything from sleep quality, to productivity, and even respiratory conditions. For asthmatics however, improving air quality is crucial to ensuring a higher quality of life.

In this piece published by Share – How To, we’ve taken a closer look into the connection between asthma and air quality. Here you can learn some of the most effective ways to improve air quality for asthmatics, from using HEPA filters and dehumidifiers, to exchanging bad habits for good hobbies. Share – How To is a fantastic resource website, filled with useful how-to guides on everything from education, to health and home improvement.

6. Poor Indoor Air Quality Cause and Effect

How much do you really know about poor indoor air quality, and its cause and effect? Many people assume that the air they breathe is clean, but the truth is that it’s hard to identify the polluted particles that pervade our every breath.

In this article published by Decorating Buzz, we’ve offered a comprehensive look into the truth about poor air quality in today’s world. You will learn everything you need to know about what causes poor indoor quality, the most common sources of air pollution, and the dangerous effects of contaminated indoor air. We’ve even covered some quick and simple tips on how to improve air quality.

Those are just some of our favorite Bob Jenson pieces from around the web. Why not check them out to learn more about heating and cooling, air quality, and how to save energy in your home?

“People Love Us On Yelp! ” 2017 Award Recipient

THANK YOU Yelpers!!

After working hard to deliver consistent service for our customers here in San Diego, you guys had our backs by posting great reviews on Yelp. We got word today that we received the, 2017 “People Love Us On Yelp!” Award and we are very excited about it! Thanks all of you who took the time to share your great experience with the world. We appreciate you for being loyal customers and we will continue to be loyal to you. We look forward to a great summer and the challenge of keeping you comfortable thru the heat and beyond!

The Team at Bob Jenson A/C

You can read our Yelp Reviews here.

Featured Infographics: Energy, Air Quality, HVACs, Oh My!

How much do you know about your heating and cooling products?

Most of us take the comfort solutions in our home for granted. Though experts are on hand to offer assistance when things go wrong, you’ll find that you can get a much more comfortable and reliable home just by learning a little more about the units we often overlook. That’s why we’ve put together a list of our favorite, and most informative infographics you can use to learn more about the HVAC industry and its fun, related facts.

How Your Home Comfort Works

Unless you’re an HVAC expert, the chances are that you don’t know exactly how your heating solutions work. While there’s nothing wrong with a little knowledge gap (that’s what specialists are for), some quick and easy information could be all it takes to make your home more efficient and comfortable. For example:

Why not learn how HVAC Zoning works?

HVAC Zoning How It Works

HVAC zoning is a quick and innovative solution for achieving convenience, comfort, and energy efficiency within a property. Though it’s been around for some time now, many homeowners still don’t know exactly what they could achieve by installing a zoning system. This infographic will tell you everything you need to know about the benefits of HVAC zoning, and how you can update your system to allow for a more personalized approach to temperature regulation.

Discover the components of your water heater.

Inside Water Heater

The chances are that the last time you wondered how your water heating system worked, was when it wasn’t working properly. However, it’s important to remember that your water heater is essential to everything from dishwashing, clothes washing, and filling a bath. This infographic will ensure that you’re familiar with all the unique components of a water heater.

See the evolution of the air conditioner.

The Evolution of Air Conditioning

Have you ever wondered about the birth of the air conditioner? These fantastic appliances offer comfort to people across the globe when it comes to managing heat. This infographic will show you how we evolved from a world without access to instant cool air, to a nation of homes in which 86% of people use air conditioning units.

Breathing Easy, and Finding the Ideal Temperature

We all know just how important temperature is to comfort. When we’re too hot or too cold, it’s impossible to feel at ease inside of our own skin. However, did you know that the quality of the air you breathe is also a significant concern in today’s climate? These infographics will not only help you to identify the perfect air temperature but give you an insight into the value of air quality too:

Learn how to define the perfect temperature.

What is the perfect temperature?

To some degree, the concept of the “perfect” temperature will always be a personal one. You may feel too hot when your loved ones feel cold, or the other way around. However, there are certain temperatures that are more effective at certain times. This infographic will show you what the “perfect” temperature means, and what the most comfortable temperature may be for sleeping or working.

Do you know how clean your air is?

2016 State of the Air Report

The state of the air we breathe has changed in recent years. As more chemicals and pollutants enter the atmosphere, the air around us is becoming more intoxicated with new and often unhealthy substances. This infographic will help you learn more about the “state of the air” around you, from which cities in the U.S. are the most polluted to which are the cleanest for short-term particle and ozone pollution.

Energy Spending and Energy Saving

Finally, as we universally focus more effort on protecting the environment with cautious energy expenditure, it makes sense that we’d want to understand how we use energy, and how much money we spend generating it for our homes. Why not learn more about how much energy your appliances use, discover the myths of energy saving, and compare your expenses to the average bills by state?

Compare expenses for energy in your state.

What is the Average Monthly Electric Bill by State

With this infographic, you can find out which states are paying the most, and which are paying the least for their energy. Not only will this help you understand the cost of energy throughout the U.S., but it could help you make sure you’re getting a good deal for your area.

Understand how much energy your appliances use.

How Much Energy Are Your Appliances Using

Do you know how much energy you’re using every time you switch on an electric furnace or air conditioner? This infographic will help you calculate your energy usage throughout the home, and could even give you the information you need to save up to 30% on your energy costs!

Bust the most common energy-saving myths.

9 Energy Myths Busted

The more we learn about saving and using energy, the more chance we have of falling victim to the myths that are frequently shared around the internet. This infographic will give you an insight into the common misconceptions that homeowners have when attempting to lower their energy usage.

A Little Knowledge Goes a Long Way

While you don’t need to know everything about the various heating and cooling systems in your home, learning more from time to time can be a great way to understand how the units in your home work. With that information, you can do everything from lower your energy consumption to make sure you’re getting a great deal on your monthly bills!

Why Does My HVAC Sound Like That?

What Sounds Are Warning Signs?

Just like any machine (from computers to kitchen appliances), an HVAC system can sometimes plague your home with strange and mysterious sounds. These noises are not only disruptive, but often provide a clear sign that something has gone wrong with your temperature control system.

While some noises from an HVAC are normal (like whirring and humming), if you hear more loud and aggressive tones coming from your machine, there may be a problematic cause. Separating the typical buzz of your air conditioning from a worrisome clank or rattling is an all-important first step in protecting your HVAC from an early demise.

We’re here to help you diagnose some of the most common sounds that HVAC systems make when they begin to malfunction — so you can catch an issue, and fix it early on.

Screeching or Squealing

When your HVAC system starts running, the only sound you hear is the soft hum of the fan whirring to life. If, instead of a gentle hum, your machine emits a screeching or squealing whine, something is wrong. Luckily for you, although these sounds can be quite shocking, they’re often the sign of a simple problem; such as a frayed fan belt.

Like any machine with an engine, HVAC systems sometimes need their parts replaced, or may require maintenance in the form of proper lubrication. Professionals can easily repair or replace belts for a minimal cost. If your sound is a result of lack of lubrication, don’t grab the WD-40! Your HVAC contractor will tell you which oil is right for your home’s system.

Thwapping or Scraping

If you hear a slapping or thwapping sound, turn off the system and call your HVAC specialist. Chances are, some debris is caught in the blower assembly, or fan blades in your HVAC unit. This can happen to indoor machines, but it’s more common with outdoor AC units — which are frequently exposed to falling debris, like leaves and acorns. You’ll need an HVAC expert to diagnose the issue, and remove foreign matter from the unit.

If the thwapping quickly turns into a scraping noise, shut down your unit immediately — this can indicate a very dangerous malfunction. Scraping sounds may suggest that a component of the HVAC has broken loose, and is moving around the interior mechanisms. An HVAC professional should examine the unit to determine the cause of the noise.

Banging and Thumping

Thumping or banging sounds often originate from sections of the blower motor or fan that have grown loose. The mounts surrounding these motors can sometimes come free; or, the blower can accidentally fall out of alignment. If you hear particularly loud banging, this could be a sign of something more serious.

The first thing you should do is turn the system off, to avoid further damage. If the fan has a missing or damaged blade, this could lead to significant problems within the unit. Similarly, if the compressor is loose, leaving the HVAC running could cause serious damage.

Clicking or Rattling

Similarly to any other aging machine, HVAC units can sometimes develop small sounds, like clicking and rattling over time. Even if these noises aren’t particularly aggressive, don’t ignore them. The louder a sound is, the more imperative it is to address it, but that doesn’t mean you should let the softer noises go without checking on them. Dealing with an issue quickly is the best way to limit damage, before that soft sound turns into a loud, serious sound.

Rattling often indicates that something in the unit is loose; while clicking can be the result of a malfunctioning relay switch, or the fan knocking against something else as it turns. The best thing you can do is call an HVAC service technician, and keep the system turned off until professionals have identified the problem.


Any buzzing noise coming from your unit is usually a sign the machine is facing an electrical issue. These issues may range from damaged wiring, to problems with elements within the electrical connectors. In some cases, loud buzzing can also be a sign your unit is coming to
the end of its useful life.

It’s crucial not to leave noises like these unattended, as electrical issues can quickly become fire hazards which threaten your home, and your family. From a malfunctioning compressor, to loose parts, or missing isolation feet, it’s crucial to have an expert diagnose your HVAC unit’s condition as early as possible.

Avoiding Air Conditioning Noise

So, now that you know how to identify and troubleshoot these noises, what can you do to avoid them in the first place?

The best defense against any HVAC problem is regular preventative maintenance, performed by an experienced professional. Investing in a regular service often means catching issues ahead of time (before they become large and expensive to fix), and ensuring your system continues to work optimally for as long as possible.

Brand Highlight: Bryant

The History of Bryant

The ability to control the temperature of your property at any given time is essential to optimum comfort and convenience. Not only do heating and air conditioning systems allow you to combat the impact of the seasons; they can also make a positive difference to your health, by filtering out unwanted toxins, helping you to function at an optimum level, and allowing those suffering from debilitating conditions to access a better standard of living.

The Bryant name in air conditioning solutions has become synonymous with superior quality and dependability. In fact, many regard Bryant as the premier manufacturer in the HVAC industry; and after more than a century of providing incredible service, the company shows no signs of slowing down.

In the world of temperature control, the early twentieth century represented a time of significant technological advancement. Approaches to HVAC solutions were just emerging for the first time; as bold entrepreneurs and innovators stepped in, to take advantage of a market desperate for reliable heating and cooling products. One of the most enterprising individuals during this time was a man from Cleveland, Ohio known as Charles Bryant — founder of the Bryant company.

In an effort to join the HVAC revolution, Bryant opened a small business in 1904, called the “National Gas Regulator Company” — starting his journey by manufacturing gas-powered water heaters. As his work became universally associated with unbeatable quality, Bryant’s growing confidence prompted him to rename his business “Bryant Heating, and Manufacturing.” By the 1930s, the brand had become the leading manufacturer of gas boilers in the nation.

Soon, the Bryant company branched out into gas air conditioning — introducing an innovative system for heating and cooling in 1937, known as the “Dualator.” Ever since then, the company has been producing ever more advanced solutions for temperature control, while maintaining the unlimited trust and loyalty of its customers across the country.

Bryant Products

Over more than a century, the Bryant range has grown significantly — it now includes oil and gas furnaces, fan coils, heat pumps, boilers, air conditioners, humidifiers, packed products, and more. These products are manufactured in sites across the United States, and sold by reliable dealers with a devotion to quality service. The Bryant plants are some of the largest facilities in the world, and incorporate some of the most advanced technology; maintaining incredible standards in the production, design, and testing of equipment.

With products designed to adapt to an ever-changing market (like the 80% efficiency boiler), Bryant’s range of impressive smart products includes:

Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps: The incredible “Evolution” system offers the highest efficiency home cooling solutions in the country — earning the Consumer Digest Best Buy Status. The premium air conditioner offered by Bryant today is the 180B; with a SEER rating of 21, and a two-stage compressor.

Thermostats and Controls: Using the latest technology (including Wi-Fi) for interconnected control, Bryant thermostat and control solutions provide everything from basic heat management, to zoning control, and more.

Evaporator and Fan Coils: Dependable Bryant coils can improve an existing system’s SEER ratings by up to two points — a boost to your savings in energy costs.

Ductless Systems: A flexible solution to cooling and heating needs, ductless systems are perfect for areas where ductwork may be challenging. There are several multi-zone and single styles to choose from — with capacities of up to 56K for multi, and 30k for single zone.

Furnaces: The best-in-class Legacy line of Bryant furnaces includes the incredible Evolution 987m — designed to offer unbeatable efficiency, and comfort within any property.

Why Choose Bryant Products?

The long history of the Bryant brand draws attention to the many advantages the company offers its customers. For instance, their commitment to innovation has allowed them to adapt to the evolutions of the HVAC industry in impeccable style — adopting sustainability and green technology, even before the law required manufacturers to use environmentally-friendly solutions. In fact, Bryant has helped to establish some of the industry standards for energy efficiency, through highlights such as their heat pump/air conditioner combos, and ground/air-source heat pumps — which act as eco-friendly alternatives to conventional units.

The standard for quality in Bryant products has remained steady throughout the years, and the brand continues to focus on delivering dependable systems to people across the country. Every product undergoes rigorous testing for reliability, and Bryant engineers are constantly searching for new ways to improve the solutions they offer.

HVAC For New Homeowners: What You Should Know

Learning About Your HVAC Can Pay Off

Buying a new home is an exciting experience — but it’s also one filled with hurdles, and requires constant learning. If this is your first home, you may become overwhelmed by the number of tasks that are now yours to manage. Remember all of those issues your landlord took care of on your behalf? They’re now your responsibility; including those related to the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning.

As a new homeowner, it’s crucial to learn everything you can about your property, so you can ensure it runs smoothly, efficiently, and safely. The School of Refrigeration indicates that HVAC systems account for as much as 45% of our utility bills — making it even more important to pay attention to your HVAC system, if you want to avoid sudden high expenses.

Here are some HVAC basics all new homeowners should learn:

Size and Age are Things To Consider

The first step in evaluating the efficiency (and remaining lifespan) of your home’s HVAC system is to determine the manufacture date of the machine. Most systems in the United States last between 10 and 15 years; and while some can function perfectly for decades, many begin to stutter and fail after 10 years, when repair issues emerge more frequently.

It’s not just the age of your system that has an impact on its function and efficiency. Many homeowners don’t realize that the size of their AC unit may be incorrect. Until recently, it was common for companies to install oversized systems into a home — unfortunately, this compromises system longevity and energy efficiency, through issues of short-cycling. To check whether the air conditioning system in your new home fits the structure, call a professional HVAC technician for a proper inspection.

Regular Inspections Are Important

It’s easy to assume that a general inspection of your new home will automatically cover any issues evident in your HVAC system — the truth is that most of the time, if there isn’t a visual problem, your heating and cooling will be marked as functional. It’s important to ask for the report from the latest HVAC inspection the house received, so you can identify pre-existing problems and potential issues.

On average, your HVAC system needs checking twice a year. During these visits, the technicians should conduct a number of services; including cleaning and inspecting coils, replacing or adjusting fan belts, inspecting and cleaning fans and blowers, checking refrigerant, lubricating bearings and motors, and tightening all electrical connections.

Your System’s Efficiency May Need Tweaking

Once you know the history of your HVAC system, you should check how its current efficiency levels may impact you in the future. For instance, ensuring that all air filters are clean before you run the machine at full blast will reduce the amount of energy you use; air cannot flow as easily through clogged filters. Other aspects to consider include:

1. Leaks in your ducts — Make sure you aren’t losing air flow in your ducts, by holding a candle near the connections, to see whether the flame (or smoke) remains stable. If it wavers, you could have a leak.

2. Proper insulation — The right insulation can dramatically improve the efficiency of your system, making your utility bills less severe.

3. Placement of units — Ensure that your condenser unit and thermostat aren’t situated in areas that receive a lot of direct sunlight, as this can lead to misunderstandings in the way your system works.

It’s Possible to Spot Common Signs of Malfunction

Once you’ve thoroughly evaluated the HVAC system in your new home, educate yourself on the most common signs that could indicate failure, or malfunction, in the future. Identifying certain symptoms can help you troubleshoot issues and repair them faster. For instance, look out for:

1. Lack of airflow — Your HVAC system may be cooling and heating as it should, but a blocked air filter, or faulty blower, could be impacting the amount of treated air you receive.

2. Unchanging temperature — If you can feel the airflow from your HVAC system, but no change in temperature, this could be a sign that your refrigerant levels are low; meaning you need to charge the compressor, or fix a leak.

3. Strange noises — Rumbling, creaking, or popping sounds may indicate mechanical damage to the bearings, motors, or other moving parts in your HVAC.

Caring for Your HVAC System

Your HVAC system is an investment in the comfort of your family — just like the overall investment you made on your house. When you buy a new house, check the HVAC system thoroughly, make sure it’s the right system for your home, and educate yourself on proper maintenance and repair. Sometimes, being a good homeowner is all about recognizing what you don’t know. For issues you aren’t sure of, or can’t solve on your own, call an expert HVAC technician to help assess your system, and ensure it’s functioning efficiently. Arm yourself with the right knowledge, and you’ll be able to save money on utility bills, and make the most of your new property.

Brand Highlight: Goodman

The History of Goodman

It’s easy to take heating and air conditioning for granted — in fact, some go so far as to say we’re addicted to our air conditioning systems. Without these devices, we’d often find ourselves struggling to focus in sweltering heat; or unable to keep warm when the winter chill sets in. Maintaining a temperature-controlled climate — in an office building, home, or large commercial property — requires the use of a reliable, and efficient set of products.

Fortunately for you, Goodman air conditioning equipment has a reputation for providing a comprehensive line of residential and commercial solutions, designed to last.

The Goodman brand runs from local factories in Tennessee and Texas — following a set of key principles that outline everything they do, and refine every product they make. Originally founded by Harold V. Goodman in 1975, the company began as a business for flexible ducts, and evolved as needs for temperature control systems grew.

In 1954, Goodman was working as a contractor installing air conditioners — a process which allowed him to build experience, and learn more about the pain points of the industry. When he chose to open his own company, Goodman’s driving motivation came from a desire to create air conditioning solutions that were more affordable, and needed less maintenance. From its conception, the Goodman manufacturing company focused on manufacturing high-quality items at the lowest possible prices.

Since then, the brand has followed Harold V. Goodman’s promise to revolutionize the industry; with high-quality equipment, manufactured by experts and sold at affordable prices.

Goodman Products

In order to address a wide range of residential and commercial air conditioning needs, the Goodman brand has produced a range of high-tech solutions. Their products have established them as an industry leader in reliability, dependability, and performance. Some of their heat transfer products include:

  • Air conditioners
  • Gas furnaces
  • Heat pumps
  • Packaged units
  • Indoor air quality systems
  • Air handlers and coils
  • Ductless systems
  • Controls

Within this wide selection of products, consumers can find the only dual-diameter gas furnace heat exchanger available in the industry — alongside efficient heat pumps, and air conditioners that use patented “SmartCoil” technology for incredible energy efficiency. Goodman provides ComfortNet control systems, which communicate with each other within a property, to provide a comprehensive approach to temperature management. The brand’s air quality products include everything from purification to ventilation, filtration, and humidification.

Goodman’s dedication to high-quality service means that they only sell their products through independent distributors, who also uphold their strict standards. Consumers can rest assured that Goodman products come with unbeatable service.

Why Choose Goodman Products

The Goodman brand has established itself as a significant presence in the world of heating and cooling — leading the industry when it comes to durability, and affordability. Not only do their systems provide high quality at a low cost; their dedication to reliability means that you’ll spend less time and money on maintenance, over the course of your system’s lifespan. Goodman uses some of the best components in the industry, with proven low-failure rates. They even provide some of the best warranties in the market, including:

  • 10-year parts limited warranty coverage on functional parts
  • Lifetime compressor limited warranties on air conditioning systems
  • Lifetime heat exchanger limited warranties on furnace systems

If an incredible warranty isn’t enough, Goodman products are also approved by a range of environmental organizations. The dealers who sell Goodman solutions are comfortable in the knowledge that these products will keep customers satisfied for a long-time. Goodman brand products are also ISO 9001-certified — a standard respected across the world as a benchmark for eco-friendly quality manufacturing, and management. On top of that, these products are also ISO 140001-certified, for their efforts in preserving the environment.

5 Tips To Keep Your HVAC System Working Longer

Squeezing More Life From Your HVAC System

Your HVAC system represents a substantial investment in your comfort and health — it only makes sense that you want your system to last for as long as possible.

According to the United States Department of Energy, most HVAC solutions last for approximately fifteen years — at which point, they usually need replacing due to breakdown, performance loss, or change in industry standards. That doesn’t mean you can’t prolong the vitality and performance of your system, by taking good care of it. Knowing the right steps for caring for your HVAC system can help to delay replacement, and save your hard-earned money.

1. Schedule Preventive Maintenance

It’s unrealistic to assume you can turn on your unit at the beginning of every year, run it non-stop, and expect it to continue working forever. In any mechanical system, parts will eventually break down and need to be replaced — and it’s best to catch potential problems before they mutate into serious issues.
Scheduling preventive maintenance for your HVAC system is one of the easiest, and most effective, ways to prolong its lifespan. A simple inspection and tune-up can be enough to prevent (and correct) a variety of problems; such as leaky ducts, failing parts, and even low refrigerant levels. System check-ups for a HVAC system should include an inspection of the thermostat, controls, electrical connections, and blower. Getting your system checked on a frequent basis doesn’t take long, and can save you from increased energy bills and failure risks.

2. Replace Air Filters Regularly

Changing the air filters in your HVAC system is another important measure you can take to preserve the system’s lifespan. A clean air filter is essential for keeping unwanted particles out of the system — while also helping the AC and furnace run more efficiently, because they don’t need to strain in order to cool, or heat. Depending on the air filter you use, a dense, pleated option may even be able to capture small particles, improving your overall air quality.
Filters that are clogged with debris, pet hair, and dust make your system work significantly harder. Determining how often to change your filters will depend on the type of filters you use; but many experts recommend replacing them every 90-days or so. If you’re unsure, check your filter each month — if it looks dirty, buy a new one.

3. Keep Everything Clean

Just as it’s important to keep your filters free of dust and debris, it’s also crucial to get your systems cleaned at the start of each season; otherwise a buildup of dirt can damage their performance. Getting this cleaning session out of the way early will help you catch any problems, before they grow too significant. When cleaning the full system, check the passages to and from the HVAC, for excessive dust that might cause the unit to work harder than it should.
It’s also beneficial to contact an expert, to have the coils and compressors within the HVAC system professionally cleaned. A professional cleaning will ensure that your unit works as good as new — and avoids the risk of incorrectly cleaning it on your own.

4. Support Proper Air Circulation

The more obstructions around the vents of your HVAC system, the harder the unit has to work to circulate air throughout your property. Keep all of the interior doors of your property open, to ensure proper airflow — but make sure you don’t leave your windows open, as this can waste all of the energy your HVAC uses.
Clear furniture and other items away from the registers, grills, and vents; so that air can move freely through the atmosphere. If your HVAC is outside, trim bushes, leaves, and grass so as not to encroach on the system. The more you promote good airflow, the easier your HVAC system’s job will be — and you may also lower moisture accumulation in the home, reducing your risk of exposure to mold and bacteria.

5. Give Your Unit a Break

Just like any mechanical system, your HVAC needs time to recuperate, so it doesn’t wear itself out too quickly. You can support your unit, and give it some downtime, by turning it off when you leave the house — or using fans in the floor and ceiling, when the weather is cooler. Using drapes to maintain temperature, or opening the windows once in a while, can offer some much-needed rest to a hardworking system. Even installing a programmable thermostat can be helpful in reducing the amount of stress on your HVAC system.

Maintain Your HVAC System

Just like any machine, taking care of your HVAC system properly will ensure that it provides you with optimum temperature control for as long as possible. The more you do to maintain your HVAC unit, the less you’ll need to worry about achieving home comfort — and keeping your energy bill under control.

Brand Highlight: Trane

The History of Trane

It’s safe to say that most homes across America today have some form of air conditioning — whether it’s a basic window unit, or a more comprehensive temperature control system. For most people, it’s a necessity for maintaining good health and comfort throughout all seasons of the year.

The earliest documented interest in air conditioning in the U.S. took place in 1758, but it wasn’t until the early 1900s that cooling systems were actually introduced. Founded in 1885, right as the concept of air conditioning was gaining traction, the Trane brand has played an important role in the history, innovation, and evolution of air conditioning systems; which makes them an essential company to consider when looking for your own temperature control solutions.

The story of the Trane brand begins in 1864, when James Trane — founder of the company — emigrated to La Crosse, Wisconsin, from Norway. After a career in the plumbing industry, Trane chose to open his own store in 1885; he built a reputation for high quality service before he even made the move to air conditioning. Because the winters in Wisconsin could be brutal, Trane invented a new approach to low-pressure heating, known as the “Trane Vapor Heating System” — and when his son Reuben graduated college with a degree in mechanical engineering, the two joined forces to begin manufacturing operations. They established themselves as the Trane Company in 1913.

The Trane Company emerged as a pioneer in the innovative field of air conditioning, introducing previously unheard-of approaches to temperature control — such as the Trane Unit Cooler, which blew air over coils full of well water. Years later, the Turbovac became the world’s first hermetic centrifugal refrigeration machine; altering the foundations of the industry when it came to large-scale conditioning systems. These early innovations lead to the production of the industry-leading conditioner, the CenTraVac — which is still the most reliable, low-emission, high-efficiency product on the market.

Today, the brand maintains a significant worldwide presence, with Trane facilities for HVAC manufacturing in 29 locations across the globe. A century later, this company still focuses on the values that characterized Trane’s first business, so long ago.

Trane Products

Trane offers a diverse range of products for businesses and homeowners alike; with heating and cooling systems designed to exceed expectations, over years of consistent use. Consumers can choose from a number of options for Trane products, to find the perfect tailor-made temperature control solution for their needs.

Some products include:

Air conditioners: Trane offers a range of air conditioning options from the economical XB300, to the high-efficiency XL20i. Each unit comes with a full warranty, designed to provide consumers with a comfortable home or commercial property, all year round.

Air handlers: Designed to circulate and condition the air for better quality, Trane air handlers vary their speed according to specific heating and cooling technology; using the latest in smart technology.

Gas and Oil Furnaces: Trane produces both oil and gas furnaces in various efficiencies, from 80 to 97.3% AFUE. The current top-of-the-line furnace is the XC95m, which is a fully-modulating gas unit capable of self-calibration.

Packaged systems: Trane packaged systems maximize the efficiency of two robust machines in a single unit. Consumers can choose from gas/electric solutions, all-electric, or Hybrid systems for an eco-friendly spin.

Heat Pumps: Trane offers some of the most impressive heat pumps around, including the XL20i, rated at 9.0 HSPF; and 19 SEER, with dual heating and cooling solutions.

Ductless Systems: The brand also offers reliable cooling and heating via ductless systems, built for superior comfort and aesthetic effect.

Why Buy Trane Solutions?

The Trane brand focuses on delivering high-efficiency, high-reliability products to its consumers. Not only did their CenTraVac chiller receive the EPA climate protection award; but the company also produces the Tracer software — designed to monitor the environmental efficiency of large buildings.

Beyond environmental awareness, Trane also offers impeccable reliability — each product delivers sustainability, and is rated highly by consumer reports. As long as the instructions are followed with Trane products, each consumer will receive a warranty that covers most issues that may occur with a unit in the first ten years. What’s more, Trane uses its very own comprehensive testing system to ensure ultimate performance.

Brand Highlight: Ruud

Ruud – A Pioneer in Heating and Cooling

It’s difficult to imagine a time before on-demand heating and cooling systems allowed us to control temperature in a home, a business, or a huge property. A report published by EIA found that almost 100 million homes had air conditioning in 2011. Most of us take our intuitively-designed heating and cooling systems for granted – we expect our heating systems to reliably keep us warm during the winter, and depend on air conditioning to stay cool in the summer.

The reliability of our heating and cooling systems depends on finding a trustworthy and efficient brand. Known across the United States for their dependability, Ruud has been introducing innovative solutions to temperature control since the 1950’s, and still supplies the same high-quality service today.

The History of Ruud

Before the founder of Ruud products, Edwin Ruud, began implementing new and exciting concepts in America, many of the most affluent citizens still didn’t know the luxury of accessing hot, running water on demand. In the 1880’s, Ruud was working for an industrialist called George Westinghouse, and during that time that he began to build the very first automatic tank gas water heater. After a while, Ruud purchased the rights to his creation, prompting him to develop his own company around 1897 – a brand devoted to the development of water heating systems.

From the very beginning of his career, Ruud made an impact on the lifestyle of the average American that forever changed the way we think about water heating. A pioneer in his field, Ruud gradually expanded his innovation into the realm of cooling and heating systems during the 1950’s. Since then, the Ruud brand has evolved to become one of the most popular producers of heating, water heating, and cooling products in America – for both commercial and residential use. What’s more impressive is that the brand has maintained a constant grade of quality throughout the years, committing themselves to the creation of efficient and durable equipment.

Ruud Products

Products available in the Ruud line for heating and cooling include:

Air Conditioner Units – The popular solution for adjusting and maintaining air temperature within homes and commercial properties.

Package Units – An all-in-one system for cooling and heating, designed for homes that don’t have much room for a coil and furnace, or an air handler. Package units are usually situated outside of the property.

Heat Pumps – Devices for transferring heat around a home or property using mechanical energy.

Indoor Air Quality Systems – Solutions for cleaning and filtering the air within a property to remove pollutants and deliver healthier air.

Gas Furnaces – Heating components used to convert gas into heat.

Thermostats and Controls – Systems that allow consumers to personally choose and manage the temperature within a space or property.

Air Handlers – Systems that distribute conditioned air through the ductwork of a larger building.

Cooling Coils – Devices used to cool materials as they move through a coil.

Why Buy Ruud Products?

Today, Ruud is an industry leader in cooling and heating solutions. Each Ruud product meets and exceeds high industry standards for reliability and quality. From the delivery of raw materials to the finished product, every step in the manufacturing process is monitored for impeccable results. Ruud products are often certified and tested by third-party labs and corporations, too.

Consumers appreciate the Ruud brand because of their:

1. Warranty – Ruud provides a ten-year warranty on most products, and ultra-series products can come with a total unit replacement warranty at no further cost.

2. Two Stage Technology – Ruud provides systems that function as two-in-one, cooling the home efficiently on both normal temperature and hot days.

3. Efficiency – Ruud’s dedication to energy-efficient HVAC equipment is proven by their connection with Energy Star, an organization that promotes high energy-efficient guidelines.

4. Reliability – In 2009, Consumer Research magazine published a study that rated Ruud products as number one for reliability – with the fewest repairs and serious problems out of all brands.

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